
Friday, December 27, 2013


For the 5th Sunday of the month and LAST Sunday of the year (when the primary presidency will be busy getting things ready for the new year) we will be playing SINGO for all of primary.

I got the idea from Camille's Primary Ideas, but I'm not doing it as Christmas SINGO. Camille links to to THIS WEBSITE where you can make your own bingo game boards in 2 minutes!

I chose to just go with a fun 5x5 winter theme and then I'm going to enlarge the pictures from the call sheet, write the correlating song on the other side (any we've sung this year), and then have the kids choose which song they want to sing and we'll flip it over to see what picture correlates with it (the pictures won't go with the song necessarily). We'll be using skittles as markers and should have a lot of fun! It'll be a great way to keep them entertained and provides lots of opportunity to sing :) 

P.S. Another resource with LDS specific pictures can be found HERE. I didn't go with this one because it is black and white (you'd have to color it in for color) and I wanted some fun colors and to play on the winter theme without a lot of work.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

December 2013 Schedule

Dec. 2013 Music
Welcome: Hello Song (260)
Birthday: Happy, Happy Birthday (284)
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (103)
Article of Faith #13 (132)
Fun: Once There Was a Snowman (249), Head Shoulders (275)

1st/Week 1
Reverence: Talk about week while listening to music
Opening: Away in a Manger (42)
Singing: Christmas program songs and costumes
Closing: Silent Night (Hymn 204)

8th/Week 2
Reverence: Talk about performance, sing The Shepherd's Carol (40) all verses in round
Opening: Stars Were Gleaming (37)
Singing: SNOWFLAKES with names
Closing: When He Comes Again (82)

15th/Week 3
Reverence: Reverently, Quietly (26)
Opening: Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus (36)
Sharing: 3rd verse of I Am a Child of God (2-3), and prepare to play a few notes of I Will Follow God's Plan (164-65), Keep the Commandments (146-47), Kindness Begins with Me (145), When I Am Baptized (103)
Singing: SNOWFLAKES with names
Closing: He Sent His Son (34)

22nd/Week 4
Reverence: Listen to reverent music - chime?
Opening: Mary's Lullaby (44)
Sharing: I Am a Child of God (2-3)
Singing: The Nativity Song (52) - Characters or Rhyme
Closing: Have a Very Merry Christmas (51)

29th/Week 5
Reverence: Listen to reverent music
Opening: Teach Me to Walk in the Light (177)
Singing: SINGO (any songs we've sung this year)
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2-3)

Hello Song (260)
Once There Was a Snowman (249)
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (275)
Christmas Songs: The Nativity Song (pictures), Christmas Bells, Stars Were Gleaming (stars), Shepherd's Carol, Away in a Manger
I Am a Child of God (2-3)

10:20am Start Jr. (reverence song can start before this)
10:30am Sharing Time
10:45am Singing Time
11:05am Close
11:15am Start Sr. (reverence song can start before this)
11:25am Sharing Time/NURSERY
11:40am Singing Time
12pm Close

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

For the Sunday before Thanksgiving I'll be using a few songs that talk about being thankful.

Opening: We Bow Our Heads (CS 25) - I will either teach this before we sing it really quick during reverent time or review it at the beginning of singing time.

Singing Time: Can a Little Child like Me? (CS 9) - This will be the song we focus on learning during singing time. I will teach it to them and then we'll sing it over and over as we play "hot potato". Whoever ends up with the object we are passing when I "pause" the song will quickly say something they are thankful for.

Closing: Children All Over the World (CS 16) - For the last few minutes of singing time I will teach the children how to say "thank you" in the different languages using THESE pictures found HERE.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Christmas Songs 2013 Plan

I know Christmas isn't for well over a month, but with a ward party performance coming up we have to start practicing now. So here is my plan in case it helps anyone plan theirs:

Song 1: Picture a Christmas (CS 50) - sing one or both verses. If we can manage it I'd like to "act" it out a bit by "dressing up" a little and setting the scene. We'd keep it simple by just draping some cheap fabric over the shoulders like a scarf and using rope as a belt, headbands with cotton balls and pink felt ears for sheep, sticks with stars, etc. See the pictures at the end for some examples.

To teach: Echo game per line, actions to song, opposites (quiet/loud, stand/sit, teachers/children, etc.) Explain message, bare testimony.
To get words down: Visuals/Actions! Make a camera with hands/show map of judea, hold up friend, hold cups to ears, hold up a shiny object for star, rock baby, point to head to "think", hold hands in front with palms up (elbows near sides) to "praise", point to head to "remember", make camera, optional: on "this (year)" point down quick with bounce.
Review: Have children act out parts and refer/look to them as sing. Characters: Joseph, Mary, shepherds, sheep, angels? (or you could just listen for them by putting hand to ear), people holding stars.
Performance costume ideas: picture ideas below. What I plan on doing is: Joseph/shepherds- using brown fabric draped kind of like a scarf around neck with ends down to hips, tied off with rope. Shepherds also could hold staffs. Mary- Fabric like boys but maybe in lavender or some feminine color.  Sheep- Headbands with felt and cotton balls glued on. Stars- Paper cutouts of a star on sticks to hold up. Maybe with ribbon descending from the star to be like "beams" from the star. Angels- (if used) just a halo (if those are ok, I don't even know for church) and maybe white fabric like the other characters with rope. For the baby Jesus we will probably just use fabric to look like a baby wrapped up.

Song 2: The Shepherd's Carol (CS 40) - Sing in unison first time then repeat in a round (with one or both verses).

To teach: Echo game, "ride a donkey"/bounce to beat, competition (by class, girls vs. boys, etc.) Explain message, bare testimony.
Actions to remember words: Verse 1- rock a baby, keep rocking baby while holding finger to mouth to "shh", hands to hips with chest up to be like a "man" (can still rock side to side),  hand over eyes and scoop side to side to "look". Chorus- one hand present "Jesus" at side (I like to go up to down), hands on head like crown, both hands present "Savior" forward, hands "praise" by holding hands in front with palms up (elbows near sides) and bounce a little. Verse 2- hands present "children" by crossing hands (palms up) and opening, beckon to "come" with both hands coming toward you 2-3 times, make "gift" box with hands and push forward, cross hands at heart for "love", repeat chorus.
Performance: we will sing the first verse together and then sing the second verse in a round. They will still be in their costumes. We may or may not do the actions for performance.

Song 3: Christmas Bells (CS 54) - some of the older children will play the descant a variation of the melody on our handbells while everyone else sings the regular melody. I may have them sing the verse without bells once and then repeat a second time adding in the bells.

To teach: Echo game with each line and half of the song, sing like an instrument (violin, drum, sax, choose your own/big band). Explain message, bare testimony.
To review: Clap rhythm of melody. To prepare for bells: during the second verse I sang the descant just so they would be familiar with it and know what to expect.
For playing bells: The link to the sheet music can be found HERE-(descant) and HERE-(melody variation).
For performance: we will sing the first verse together and then add the bells for the second verse. The bells will be on a near table with easy access and the bell players will just grab them before we start the song. They will still be in costume just because there won't be time to take the costumes off.

Song 4: Mary's Lullaby (CS 44) - I would to have 1-3 girl(s) sing the descant part. We will probably only sing the first verse.

To teach: Echo game, rock a baby, move arms in smooth motion. Explain message, bare testimony.
11/17/13 Note: We ended up cutting this song because they moved our ward party up a week and I wanted to make sure we had the other three down really well instead. We'll just save this one for next year :) So I don't have any extra teaching tips for this one yet, sorry!

**Anyone have any good, basic teaching methods they'd like to share other than my always go-to "echo game"? I'd love to have more variety!

Costume examples:
Christmas angles, star sticks
Our costumes wouldn't be as elaborate, but distinctive characters

November 2013 Music Schedule

Nov. 2013 Music
Welcome: Our Door Is Always Open (254)
Birthday: Happy, Happy Birthday (284)
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (103)
Article of Faith #12 (131)
Fun: It’s Autumntime (246), Once There Was a Snowman (249), Head Shoulders (275)

3rd/Week 1
Reverence: For Health and Strength (21)
Opening: I Love to see the Temple (95)
Singing: Christmas program songs
Closing: I’m Thankful to be Me (11)

10th/Week 2
Reverence: For Health and Strength (21) –Review/sing in rounds (2 for Jr., up to 4 for Sr.)           
Opening: My Heavenly Father Loves Me (228)
Singing: Review- Picture a Christmas (50) and Christmas Bells (54); Learn- The Shepherd’s Carol (40), and if time Mary’s Lullaby (44); Last 5 minutes learn Closing Song.
Closing: Thanks to Our Father (20)

17th/Week 3
Reverence: For Thy Bounteous Blessings (21)
Opening: I Thank Thee, Dear Father (7)
Singing: Christmas + bells/rounds/solos, review Opening(?), and learn Closing
Closing: I Think the World Is Glorious (230)

24th/Week 4
Reverence: For Thy Bounteous Blessings (21)
Opening: We Bow Our Heads (25)
Singing: Review Opening, Can a Little Child like Me? (9), review Christmas
Closing: Children All Over the World (16-17)

Hello Song (260)
It’s Autumntime (246)
Kindness Begins with Me (145)
Once There Was a Snowman (249)
Children All Over the World (16 -beginning before languages)
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (275)
My Heavenly Father Loves Me (228)
When He Comes Again (82)
I Am a Child of God (2-3)

10:20am Start Jr. (reverence song can start before this)
10:30am Sharing Time
10:45am Singing Time
11:05am Close
11:15am Start Sr. (reverence song can start before this)
11:25am Sharing Time/NURSERY
11:40am Singing Time
12pm Close

Program 2013 Thoughts

We made it though our program, yay! It actually turned out very beautiful as the children bore testimony through song and word. My most favorite part was our closing song, I Am a Child of God, when the congregation joined in for the fourth verse and there was a violin playing the descant.

It took a lot of work and was a little stressful to create the program we had, but now that I have a year's experience under my belt and with how wonderful it turned out I'm already pumped for the next year! The songs are going to be amazing! And since we've had a year to bond* I think next year is going to turn out even better for our Primary :)

*Bonding note: Time and experiences definitely have helped in creating a better bond between my Primary children and I, but there was one experience that I think bonded us the most! I did a "marshmallow challenge" to encourage my Primary to perform to the best of their ability. At the final practice I told them that for every song they sang well (with a list of criteria) during the program performance I would set aside a marshmallow. Then, when we had primary later that day I would stuff those marshmallows in my mouth and sing them a song! They thought it was a great idea and the execution of it was the best! The kids were engaged, they were excited and smiling, and as they watched me make a fool of myself there was a bit of magic that touched my heart. ...Did I mention I HATE marshmallows? They thought I was awesome and knew I must really care to do something like that when I can't stand marshmallows. Since then they are even more excited when they see me; they can't help but wave or run up and give me a hug and smile at me. Perhaps the real magic was in accomplishing a big goal of doing the program together, but I'm so glad I did the marshmallow challenge to give that little extra memorable moment and have the wonderful bond that came from all of it. Here's to more experiences ahead!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Review Time!

For reviewing purposes I will be using an idea from Camille's Primary Ideas found HERE

"What SHAPE Are Our SONGS In?"

September 2013 - Service

Sept. 2013 Music
I Will Serve God with All My Heart, Might, Mind, and Strength
Welcome: Hello Song (CS260)
Birthday: Have a Very Happy Birthday (CS284)
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (CS 103)
Article of Faith #10 (CS 128-29)
Fun: Follow the Prophet (CS 110), Do As I’m Doing (CS 276), Rain Is Falling All Around (CS 241)

8th/Week 1 - Jesus Christ taught us how to serve others
Reverence: The Chapel Doors (CS 156) + (if you feel inclined to learn it, review sign language to verse 1 of Families Can Be Together Forever (CS 188) as classes come in)
Opening: I’m Trying to Be like Jesus (CS 78)
Singing: Relearn Program Songs: My Heavenly Father Loves Me (CS 228-29), If the Savior Stood Beside Me (outline) *Please let me know any notes, like if these songs still need more work after that day
Closing: I Feel My Savior’s Love (CS 74-75)

15th/Week 2 - Prophets and apostles show us how to serve (Ward Conference)
Reverence: + The Sacred Grove (CS 87)
Opening: Love One Another (CS 136)
Singing: We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet (Hymns no. 19), fun #1, When I Am Baptized (CS 103)
Closing: Teach Me to Walk in the Light (CS 177)

22nd/Week 3 - When I serve others, I serve God
Reverence: + When He Comes Again (CS 82) both verses
Opening: My Heavenly Father Loves Me (CS 228-29)
Singing: Choose ringers, Review Program Songs: I Am a Child of God (CS 2-3) – Verses 1-4 (add bells for descant verse 3, sing descant verse 4), Families Can Be Together Forever (CS 188) – sign language
Closing: If the Savior Stood Beside Me (outline)

29th/Week 4 - When I serve others, I serve God
Reverence: + When He Comes Again (CS 82) both verses (repeating a second week to learn it better)
Opening: I Am a Child of God (CS 2-3)
Singing: I’ll Walk with You (CS 140), Program Songs: Restoration Medley
Closing: A Child’s Prayer (CS 12-13)

Here We Are Together (names)
Rain is Falling
Give Said the Little Stream
Follow the Prophet
Do As I’m Doing
I’ll Walk with You - optional
I Am a Child of God
I’m Trying to Be like Jesus

Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 2013 - Prayers

August 2013 Music
Heavenly Father Hears and Answers My Prayers
Welcome: Our Door is Always Open (CS 254)
Birthday: Happy, Happy Birthday (CS 284)
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (CS 103)
Article of Faith #9 (CS 128)
Program Song: A Child’s Prayer (CS 12-13)
Fun: Oh, What Do…Summertime? (CS 245), Wiseman/Foolish Man (CS 281), Do As I’m Doing (CS 276)

Date/Week 1 – The Scriptures teach me how to pray
Reverence: Families Can Be Together Forever (CS 188)
Opening: Seek the Lord Early (CS 108)
Singing: Verse 1 of A Child’s Prayer (CS 12-13)
Closing: Search, Ponder, and Pray (CS 109)

Date/Week 2 – Heavenly Father wants me to pray to Him often – anytime, anywhere
Reverence: Reverence Is Love (CS 31)
Opening: Where Love Is (CS 138-39) – short version (only to fine)
Singing: Verse 2 of A Child’s Prayer (CS 12-13) – outline suggestion #3
Closing: I Feel My Savior’s Love (CS 74-75)

Date/Week 3 – Answers to prayers come from Heavenly Father in many ways
Reverence: Reverently, Quietly (CS 26) + (every week, if you feel inclined to learn it, review sign language to verse 1 of Families Can Be Together Forever (CS 188) as classes come in)
Opening: I Know My Father Lives (CS 5)
Singing: Verse 3 of A Child’s Prayer (CS 12-13) (girls-1, boys-2) relearning verses 1 and 2 as needed, a favorite or fun song/activity of your choice
Closing: Children All Over the World (CS 16)

Date/Week 4 – Answers to prayers come from Heavenly Father in many ways
Reverence: We Bow Our Heads (CS 25) +
Opening: A Child’s Prayer (CS 12-13)
Singing: Review Program Songs: The Sacred Grove (CS 87), verse 1 of The Golden Plates (CS 86), The Priesthood Is Restored (CS 89), 3rd chorus of On a Golden Springtime (CS 88)
Closing: Love Is Spoken Here (CS 190)

Hello Song
Do As I’m Doing
Wiseman/Foolish Man
Oh What Do You Do in the Summertime?
A Child’s Prayer
I Am a Child of God
Families Can Be Together Forever

Saturday, July 27, 2013

"Oh, What Do You Do in the Summertime?"

This week I wanted to have some fun with the season and sing "Oh, What Do You Do in the Summertime?" (CS 245).

I figured some simple "role playing" maybe even with props would be fun. I found the following idea on

A fun song we are doing next week is "Oh, What do you do in the summertime?"  I have done a little prop and role playing in the past, and it has worked great.  Choose different children to come up front for each verse. The children remaining can mimic the movements of those in front.  The props are easy to find and make, but the children remember them for a long time.  The props make the actions a lot more fun for even the oldest of Primary children.

Verse 1

"Do you fish...?" Child 1 holds a dowel with a string and a toy or paper fish attached to the end.
"or lazily dream..." Child 2 sits in a chair, with legs stretched out in front, hands behind head. Looks up slightly.
Child 3 Holds a cloud over the other's head. Cloud can be made with poster or stiff board, cut like a cloud and batting glued on.

Verse 2

"swim in a pool" child 1 (from next group) holds or wears swimming prop (tube, goggles, beach towel, or snorkel) and makes swimming gesture
"swing in a tree..." child 2 sits in chair and  pretends to swing with arms
child 3 holds a branch over the childs head.

Verse 3

"march in parades" child 1 (from third group) holds a flag or wears a festive hat and marches in place
"drink lemonades" child 2 pretends to drink or sip from a brightly colored plastic cup
"count all the stars..." child 3 sits in chair and points to ceiling and pretends to count stars
child 4 holds black paper or poster with star stickers all over it.

What I am going to do is pretty similar:

1. Oh, what do you do in the summertime, when all the world is green? = I may or may not have someone stand up with “questioning” arms (you know, putting your elbows to your sides with your palms up) and another hold a green ball or something green…probably not though.
Do you fish in a stream, or lazily dream on the banks as the clouds go by? = Same as SugarDoodle (SD)
Is that what you do? So do I!

2. Oh, what do you do in the summertime, when all the world is green?
Do you swim in a pool, = same as SD
 to keep yourself cool, =fan self with hands
 or swing in a tree up high? = sit in chair and pretend to swing
Is that what you do? So do I!

3. Oh, what do you do in the summertime, when all the world is green?
Do you march in parades, or drink lemonades, or count all the stars in the sky? = same as SD minus black paper
Is that what you do? So do I!

Report: This ended up being really fun! Our senior primary ended up being on the smaller side that day, so I had them sit in a circle and had the "actors" do their thing in the middle as it got to their part. It was fun and kept everyone engaged :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"Families Can Be Together Forever"

In July the program song our primary will be working on is Families Can Be Together Forever (CS 188).

Handbell music for this song!

Lately I've been thinking about a few things (if you have any ideas please comment with your input!)
1) I don't know why, but some of the Children in my primary (particularly the Sr. Primary) make comments or sounds indicating that they dislike singing time. This is crazy to me because the little bit that I had the opportunity to go to primary as a child, singing time was my favorite part! I can't recall what I liked about it so much other than that I got to sing wonderful songs; I know there were some activities or visuals at times, but I don't remember details and wonder if it was those or just my love of singing that made it so amazing. I don't recall other children NOT having a good time, so I wonder if I'm just missing something as I teach?
2) Because of these negative reactions I have spent much of the first half of my first year in this calling trying to "entertain" the kids in hopes that if I can just get them to pay attention a little the music will have a better opportunity to touch their hearts and teach them something that will help build their testimonies. But it bothers me so much that I feel like I have to entertain them. I want them to grow a love for the songs and want them to really learn. Maybe I'm just being too hard on myself?

So this month I want to find a way to teach the principles taught in this song without HAVING to entertain. Of course I will still have engaging activities/visuals because they are great aids to teaching, but I want the focus to be on the principles and bearing testimony through singing the song and less on the fun of the activity (although, it can still be fun. I'm just trying to put first things first).


The first week we will focus on learning the music and words. Now how do I teach this in a way that accomplishes my goal? I have a feeling they already know this song so I don't think it will be too hard of a task to accomplish learning the words, it's just a matter of having it mean something to them. After I finish teaching I want to have some time for a Q&A/testimony session to help with this. How will I get the children to participate? Maybe a bean bag I toss when it's their turn to talk?

To create my lesson plan I ventured into a part of my wonderful book, A Children's Songbook Companion (by Graham, Gourley, Shipp, and Stewart), the beginning part that I have never taken the time to read, which has some great ideas to prepare lessons for ANY song! (Usually I just skipped to the page with the song I was preparing). I highly suggest you get this or a similar book. Find my notes on LESSON PLANNING here.

I will come back and add more as I decide what I will do for sure to teach the song and message, but for now I really like one activity idea from my book of putting key words from the song on puzzle pieces that get taped to the back of a picture of a family in front of the temple. So once the puzzle is done (the song is learned at this point as well) you reverse the puzzle to show the picture. *Side note: this makes me want to create a puzzle for my family out of a picture of us in front of the temple! Wouldn't that be great for FHE!?

Q&A: What are ways we can prepare to go to the temple? Mention how growing up I longed for the blessings of the temple (since I didn't have them from my parents) and how I worked hard to live right so I was worthy to receive the blessings when I became an adult. *Side note: it actually always made me sad to sing this song until I met my husband. I'm usually a very positive person so you would think that knowing how I would get there some day would make this song positive for me, but because I knew so strongly how the temple blessing of having an eternal family was important it always made me sad I couldn't change my "growing up family" to one that was able to partake of this blessing. I mention this in hopes that I can help make a difference to a child with similar feelings so that they can learn NOW to hold on to the hope and happiness of their having this blessing in store for their future more than dwelling on the negative of not having that blessing YET. It was totally worth the wait! :D

The second week I will teach them the sign language of the first verse (the link to the ASL can be found at the top link on the upper right hand side of the page...I will teach this mirror image to them - which will be easy for me to learn because I'll just mirror the video). I think this will help with focusing on each word/phrase, so hopefully they gain an even deeper understanding of the song as a whole. I will also intersperse this with "fun" songs to give a break and gather back attention as needed.

The third and fourth weeks I will just have us do a quick review with the sign language (and we'll review it every so often in future months) to make sure we have it down for the actual sacrament program as we do some other lessons with other songs as the focus.

Another cute temple + family picture