
Saturday, March 1, 2014

I Stand All Amazed

The March 2014 program song is I Stand All Amazed (Hymns, #193).

Week 1 - I plan to teach just the chorus and focus on the spiritual aspects of the song.

Week 2 - I plan to teach the verse(s).

Week 3 - will be a review with dynamics.

I'm going to use THIS really cute flip-chart to help with learning the song.

Week 1:

Jr. Lesson:

Mosiah 3:5-8
5)…the Lord…[came] down from heaven…and [went] forth [among] men, working mighty miracles…

“What kind of miracles do you think he did?”

(Read the following, pausing to ask what each thing means:)
“Some of the things it says he did in the scriptures was:”
5 cont.) …healing the sick, raising the dead, causing the lame to walk, the blind to receive their sight, and the deaf to hear, and curing all manner of diseases.

6) And he…cast out devils, or the evil spirits which [were] in the hearts of the children of men.

7) …he…suffer[ed] temptations, and pain of body, hunger, thirst, and fatigue, even more than man can suffer, [because they would die from the pain]…blood [came] from every pore [in his skin], so great [was] his anguish [because of] the wickedness…of his people.

8) And he shall be called Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of heaven and earth, the Creator of all things from the beginning...

“Because he did all of this, because of the atonement and His love for us, it means that we can repent when we do wrong and become clean and good again. That’s one of the big reasons why we love our Savior and are so grateful for Him.”

John 15:13
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

“Do you think it’s pretty WONDERFUL that Jesus Christ did this for us? Would you be willing to suffer so much and even die for your friends or family? He must REALLY love us! Let’s learn a song that will help us tell Him how much we love Him and are grateful for him.”

Learn chorus of “I Stand All Amazed” (Hymns, #193)

Sr. Lesson:
(Basically the same lesson, except have THEM look in the scriptures for the answers and read word for word Mosiah 3:7-8).

Week 2:
I printed the words of the song really big and will have some strips of paper to cover up some of the words as we sing it over and over to make sure they know those words. As we come across any words that might be hard to understand I'll have the Primary help me define them.

March 2014 Music

Sorry I've been MIA lately... I'm pregnant and have been quite busy with life ;)

March 2014 Music
“Jesus Christ Is Our Savior”
Welcome: Here We Are Together (261)
Birthday: Happy, Happy Birthday (284)
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (103)
Article of Faith # 4 (124)
Program Song: I Stand All Amazed (Hymns, 193)
Fun: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60), If You’re Happy (266), Rain Is Falling All Around (241)

Week 1 – “I can gain a testimony of Jesus Christ.”
Reverence: Reverently, Quietly (26)
Opening: I Know My Father Lives (5)
Singing: The Church of Jesus Christ (77), Program Chorus
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2)

Week 2 – “Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ I can repent and be forgiven of my sins.”
Reverence: Reverence Is Love (31)
Opening: I Feel My Savior’s Love (74)
Sharing: Did Jesus Really Live Again? (CS, 64) or Jesus Has Risen (CS, 70)
Singing:  Program (Verse)
Closing: He Sent His Son (34)

Week 3 – “Jesus Christ was resurrected, and I will be too.”
Reverence: I Want to Be Reverent (28)
Opening: On a Golden Springtime (88) –verse two for sure
Singing: Program-dynamics, The Lord Gave Me a Temple (153)-second verse
Closing: I’m Trying to Be like Jesus (78)-especially second verse

Week 4 – “I can show respect for the Savior by being reverent.”
Reverence: Reverence Is Love (31)
Opening: The Chapel Doors (156)
Singing: Program Review
Closing: The Things I Do (170)

Welcome: Here We Are Together (261)
Fun: In the Leafy Treetops (240), Sunbeam (60), If You’re Happy (266), Rain Is Falling (241)
Reverent: I Feel My Savior’s Love (74), Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2)