
Saturday, May 10, 2014

July 2014 Music Schedule

July 2014 Music
“We Become Members of the Church through Baptism and Confirmation.”
Welcome: Come with Me to Primary (255) – might need to teach it.
Birthday: Have a Very Happy Birthday (284) – choose a verse J
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (103) or Baptism (100-101)
Article of Faith #8 (127)
Program Song: Baptism (100-101)
Fun: Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked (214) – follow the leader; Oh, What Do You Do in the Summertime? (245); Two Little Eyes (268)

6th/Week 1 – “The Church of Jesus Christ has been restored.”
Reverence: Just listen to music as they come in to save time.
Opening: The Sacred Grove (87) – both verses (from last year’s program)
Singing: My Country (224); My Flag, My Flag (225); if time, On a Golden Springtime (88) – 3rd verse
Closing: On a Golden Springtime (88) – 1st and 3rd verse

13th/Week 2 – “I become a member of the Church through baptism and confirmation.”
Reverence: Quick teach opening.
Opening: I Like My Birthdays (104)
Singing: Program Song
Closing: When I Am Baptized (103) – both verses

20th (Pioneer Day that week)/Week 3 – The Holy Ghost comforts and guides me.”
Reverence: Quick review of opening.
Opening: I Like My Birthdays (104)
Sharing: The Holy Ghost (105), Let the Holy Spirit Guide (Hymns 143)
Singing: Pioneer Songs (214-222)
Closing: The Holy Ghost (105) – if time, or just end on a pioneer song.

27th/Week 4 – “I can know the truth through the power of the Holy Ghost.”
Reverence: Listen, Listen (107)
Opening: Search, Ponder, and Pray (109)
Singing: Program Song (all three verses)
Closing: I’m Trying to Be like Jesus (78)

Welcome: Here We Are Together (261)
Fun: Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked (214) – follow the leader; Oh, What Do You Do in the Summertime? (245); Two Little Eyes (268)
Reverent: Seek the Lord Early (108), I Love to See the Temple (95), Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2)

June 2014 Music Schedule

June 2014 Music
“Priesthood Ordinances and Temple Work Bless My Family”
Welcome: Hello, Friends! (254)
Birthday: Happy, Happy Birthday (284)
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (103)
Article of Faith #7 (126)
Program Songs: The Hearts of the Children (92), I Love to See the Temple (95)
Father’s Day Song: Father’s (209)
Fun: Follow the Prophet (110), Head, Shoulders… (275), Little Purple Pansies (244), Popcorn Popping (242)

1st/Week 1 – “Priesthood ordinances bless and strengthen my family.”
Reverence: Just listen to music as they enter to save time.
Opening: The Priesthood Is Restored (89) – from last year’s program J
Sharing: Love Is Spoken Here (190)
Singing: I Love to See the Temple (95) + Father’s (209) – NOTE: You often get only 15 minutes on 1st Sundays
Closing: Love Is Spoken Here (190) – if didn’t already sing - OR sing I Love to See the Temple (95) again

8th/Week 2 – “Temples make it possible for families to be together forever.”
Reverence: I Will Try to be Reverent (28)
Opening: Families Can Be Together Forever (188) – they know the sign language to the first verse!
Sharing: I Love to See the Temple (95)
Singing: The Hearts of the Children (92) – only once through + Father’s (209) review (performance next week)
Closing: I Love to See the Temple (95)

15th (Father’s Day)/Week 3 – “I can prepare now to be worthy to enter the temple.”
Reverence: The Chapel Doors (156)
Opening: Father, I Will Reverent Be (29) – I don’t think this know this one…
Sharing: I Love to See the Temple (95)
Singing: Program Songs
Closing: Families Can Be Together Forever (188) – both verses (sign language for first verse)

22nd/Week 4 – “Family history work connects me to my ancestors.”
Reverence: Listen to music as come in and then quick teach opening song.
Opening: I Have a Family Tree (199)
Sharing: Family History-I Am Doing It (94)
Singing: Program Songs (+review? Or teach closing?)
Closing: Truth from Elijah (90) – not sure if they know this one…

29th/Week 5
Reverence: Choose a favorite
Opening: Choose your favorite!
Singing: Program Review: He Sent His Son (34), I Will Follow God’s Plan (164), I Stand All Amazed (Hymns, 193), The Family Is of God (outline), When I Hear the Prophet’s Voice (Sept. 2009 Friend), The Hearts of the Children (92), I Love to See the Temple (95).
Closing: Choose another favorite! – if time, or just end with a program song.

Welcome: Hello Song (260)
Fun: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (275), Follow the Prophet (110), Popcorn Popping (242)
Reverent: I Love to See the Temple (95), Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 2014 Music Schedule

May 2014 Music
“Families Are Blessed When They Follow the Prophet”
Welcome: Our door is always open (254)
Birthday: Your Happy Birthday (283)
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (103)
Article of Faith #6
Program Song: When I Hear the Prophet’s Voice (Sept. 2009 Friend)
Fun: Follow the Prophet (110), Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (275), Little Purple Pansies (244), Popcorn Popping (242)

4th/Week 1 – “God speaks to us through prophets.”
Reverence: Reverently, Quietly (26)
Opening: Stand for the Right (159)
Singing: Dearest Mother, I Love You (206) review + Learn last verse of The Family Is of God (outline)

11th (Mother’s Day)/Week 2 – “The prophets in the scriptures are examples to my family.”
Reverence: I Want to be Reverent (28)
Opening: Nephi’s Courage (120)
Sharing: Follow the Prophet (110)
Singing: Learn Program Song + Review of Jan.-April program songs
Closing: Seek the Lord Early (108)

18th/Week 3 – “My family will be blessed as we follow the prophet.”
Reverence: Stand for the Right (159)
Opening: Keep the Commandments (146)
Sharing: Quickly I’ll Obey (197)
Singing: Program Song
Closing: Follow the Prophet (110)

25th (Memorial Weekend)/Week 4 – “The prophet speaks to us at general conference.”
Reverence: Reverence Is Love (31)
Opening: Latter-day Prophets (134)
Singing: Father’s (209)+ Program Review
Closing: We’ll Bring the World His Truth (172)

Welcome: Hello Song (260)
Fun: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (275), Follow the Prophet (110), Popcorn Popping (242)
Reverent: I Love to See the Temple (95), Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2)

2:20pm Start Jr. (reverence song can start before this)
2:30pm Sharing Time
2:45pm Singing Time
3:05pm Close
3:15pm Start Sr. (reverence song can start before this)
3:25pm Sharing Time
3:40pm Singing Time
4pm Close