
Saturday, May 10, 2014

July 2014 Music Schedule

July 2014 Music
“We Become Members of the Church through Baptism and Confirmation.”
Welcome: Come with Me to Primary (255) – might need to teach it.
Birthday: Have a Very Happy Birthday (284) – choose a verse J
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (103) or Baptism (100-101)
Article of Faith #8 (127)
Program Song: Baptism (100-101)
Fun: Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked (214) – follow the leader; Oh, What Do You Do in the Summertime? (245); Two Little Eyes (268)

6th/Week 1 – “The Church of Jesus Christ has been restored.”
Reverence: Just listen to music as they come in to save time.
Opening: The Sacred Grove (87) – both verses (from last year’s program)
Singing: My Country (224); My Flag, My Flag (225); if time, On a Golden Springtime (88) – 3rd verse
Closing: On a Golden Springtime (88) – 1st and 3rd verse

13th/Week 2 – “I become a member of the Church through baptism and confirmation.”
Reverence: Quick teach opening.
Opening: I Like My Birthdays (104)
Singing: Program Song
Closing: When I Am Baptized (103) – both verses

20th (Pioneer Day that week)/Week 3 – The Holy Ghost comforts and guides me.”
Reverence: Quick review of opening.
Opening: I Like My Birthdays (104)
Sharing: The Holy Ghost (105), Let the Holy Spirit Guide (Hymns 143)
Singing: Pioneer Songs (214-222)
Closing: The Holy Ghost (105) – if time, or just end on a pioneer song.

27th/Week 4 – “I can know the truth through the power of the Holy Ghost.”
Reverence: Listen, Listen (107)
Opening: Search, Ponder, and Pray (109)
Singing: Program Song (all three verses)
Closing: I’m Trying to Be like Jesus (78)

Welcome: Here We Are Together (261)
Fun: Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked (214) – follow the leader; Oh, What Do You Do in the Summertime? (245); Two Little Eyes (268)
Reverent: Seek the Lord Early (108), I Love to See the Temple (95), Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2)

June 2014 Music Schedule

June 2014 Music
“Priesthood Ordinances and Temple Work Bless My Family”
Welcome: Hello, Friends! (254)
Birthday: Happy, Happy Birthday (284)
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (103)
Article of Faith #7 (126)
Program Songs: The Hearts of the Children (92), I Love to See the Temple (95)
Father’s Day Song: Father’s (209)
Fun: Follow the Prophet (110), Head, Shoulders… (275), Little Purple Pansies (244), Popcorn Popping (242)

1st/Week 1 – “Priesthood ordinances bless and strengthen my family.”
Reverence: Just listen to music as they enter to save time.
Opening: The Priesthood Is Restored (89) – from last year’s program J
Sharing: Love Is Spoken Here (190)
Singing: I Love to See the Temple (95) + Father’s (209) – NOTE: You often get only 15 minutes on 1st Sundays
Closing: Love Is Spoken Here (190) – if didn’t already sing - OR sing I Love to See the Temple (95) again

8th/Week 2 – “Temples make it possible for families to be together forever.”
Reverence: I Will Try to be Reverent (28)
Opening: Families Can Be Together Forever (188) – they know the sign language to the first verse!
Sharing: I Love to See the Temple (95)
Singing: The Hearts of the Children (92) – only once through + Father’s (209) review (performance next week)
Closing: I Love to See the Temple (95)

15th (Father’s Day)/Week 3 – “I can prepare now to be worthy to enter the temple.”
Reverence: The Chapel Doors (156)
Opening: Father, I Will Reverent Be (29) – I don’t think this know this one…
Sharing: I Love to See the Temple (95)
Singing: Program Songs
Closing: Families Can Be Together Forever (188) – both verses (sign language for first verse)

22nd/Week 4 – “Family history work connects me to my ancestors.”
Reverence: Listen to music as come in and then quick teach opening song.
Opening: I Have a Family Tree (199)
Sharing: Family History-I Am Doing It (94)
Singing: Program Songs (+review? Or teach closing?)
Closing: Truth from Elijah (90) – not sure if they know this one…

29th/Week 5
Reverence: Choose a favorite
Opening: Choose your favorite!
Singing: Program Review: He Sent His Son (34), I Will Follow God’s Plan (164), I Stand All Amazed (Hymns, 193), The Family Is of God (outline), When I Hear the Prophet’s Voice (Sept. 2009 Friend), The Hearts of the Children (92), I Love to See the Temple (95).
Closing: Choose another favorite! – if time, or just end with a program song.

Welcome: Hello Song (260)
Fun: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (275), Follow the Prophet (110), Popcorn Popping (242)
Reverent: I Love to See the Temple (95), Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 2014 Music Schedule

May 2014 Music
“Families Are Blessed When They Follow the Prophet”
Welcome: Our door is always open (254)
Birthday: Your Happy Birthday (283)
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (103)
Article of Faith #6
Program Song: When I Hear the Prophet’s Voice (Sept. 2009 Friend)
Fun: Follow the Prophet (110), Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (275), Little Purple Pansies (244), Popcorn Popping (242)

4th/Week 1 – “God speaks to us through prophets.”
Reverence: Reverently, Quietly (26)
Opening: Stand for the Right (159)
Singing: Dearest Mother, I Love You (206) review + Learn last verse of The Family Is of God (outline)

11th (Mother’s Day)/Week 2 – “The prophets in the scriptures are examples to my family.”
Reverence: I Want to be Reverent (28)
Opening: Nephi’s Courage (120)
Sharing: Follow the Prophet (110)
Singing: Learn Program Song + Review of Jan.-April program songs
Closing: Seek the Lord Early (108)

18th/Week 3 – “My family will be blessed as we follow the prophet.”
Reverence: Stand for the Right (159)
Opening: Keep the Commandments (146)
Sharing: Quickly I’ll Obey (197)
Singing: Program Song
Closing: Follow the Prophet (110)

25th (Memorial Weekend)/Week 4 – “The prophet speaks to us at general conference.”
Reverence: Reverence Is Love (31)
Opening: Latter-day Prophets (134)
Singing: Father’s (209)+ Program Review
Closing: We’ll Bring the World His Truth (172)

Welcome: Hello Song (260)
Fun: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (275), Follow the Prophet (110), Popcorn Popping (242)
Reverent: I Love to See the Temple (95), Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2)

2:20pm Start Jr. (reverence song can start before this)
2:30pm Sharing Time
2:45pm Singing Time
3:05pm Close
3:15pm Start Sr. (reverence song can start before this)
3:25pm Sharing Time
3:40pm Singing Time
4pm Close

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Family Is Of God

The Family Is Of God

I'll be using a lot of ideas found HERE to teach this song.


Also, THIS idea:
Bring "dad" "mom" and "children" items to dress children in with each verse.  Each item will have a key word taped to it.  As we "dress" the kids, we'll learn the song.

HERE are some more ideas (including handbells!)

April 2014 Schedule

April 2014 Music
“The Family Is Central to God’s Plan”
Welcome: Our door is always open (254)
Birthday: You’ve Had a Birthday (285)
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (103)
Article of Faith #5 (125)
Program Song: The Family Is of God (outline)
Mother’s Day Song: Dearest Mother, I Love You (206)
Fun: In the Leafy Treetops (240), Sunbeam (60), If You’re Happy (266)

13th (State Visit)/Week 1 – “The family is central to God’s plan.”
Reverence: Families Can Be Together Forever (188) + sign language
Opening: Because God Loves Me (234) second verse
Sharing: Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
Singing: Program Song (Chorus + 1st verse)
Closing: Sing The Family Is of God (outline) through once more or I Am a Child of God (2)

20th (Easter)/Week 2 – “Parents have important responsibilities in families. + Children have the responsibility to obey their parents.”
Reverence: The Family (194) + Program Song (review 1st verse & chorus)
Opening: He Sent His Son (34)
Singing: He Died That We Might Live Again (65) + Mother’s Day song
Closing: I Stand All Amazed (Hymns, 193)

27th/Week 3 – “I can show love to each member of my family.”
Reverence/Opening: Love Is Spoken Here (190)
Sharing: A Happy Family (198)
Singing: Program Song (2nd, 3rd and 4th verses) + Mother’s Day song
Closing: Families Can Be Together Forever (188) + sign language

Welcome: Here We Are Together (261)
Fun: In the Leafy Treetops (240), Sunbeam (60), If You’re Happy (266), Rain Is Falling (241)
Reverent: I Feel My Savior’s Love (74), Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

I Stand All Amazed

The March 2014 program song is I Stand All Amazed (Hymns, #193).

Week 1 - I plan to teach just the chorus and focus on the spiritual aspects of the song.

Week 2 - I plan to teach the verse(s).

Week 3 - will be a review with dynamics.

I'm going to use THIS really cute flip-chart to help with learning the song.

Week 1:

Jr. Lesson:

Mosiah 3:5-8
5)…the Lord…[came] down from heaven…and [went] forth [among] men, working mighty miracles…

“What kind of miracles do you think he did?”

(Read the following, pausing to ask what each thing means:)
“Some of the things it says he did in the scriptures was:”
5 cont.) …healing the sick, raising the dead, causing the lame to walk, the blind to receive their sight, and the deaf to hear, and curing all manner of diseases.

6) And he…cast out devils, or the evil spirits which [were] in the hearts of the children of men.

7) …he…suffer[ed] temptations, and pain of body, hunger, thirst, and fatigue, even more than man can suffer, [because they would die from the pain]…blood [came] from every pore [in his skin], so great [was] his anguish [because of] the wickedness…of his people.

8) And he shall be called Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of heaven and earth, the Creator of all things from the beginning...

“Because he did all of this, because of the atonement and His love for us, it means that we can repent when we do wrong and become clean and good again. That’s one of the big reasons why we love our Savior and are so grateful for Him.”

John 15:13
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

“Do you think it’s pretty WONDERFUL that Jesus Christ did this for us? Would you be willing to suffer so much and even die for your friends or family? He must REALLY love us! Let’s learn a song that will help us tell Him how much we love Him and are grateful for him.”

Learn chorus of “I Stand All Amazed” (Hymns, #193)

Sr. Lesson:
(Basically the same lesson, except have THEM look in the scriptures for the answers and read word for word Mosiah 3:7-8).

Week 2:
I printed the words of the song really big and will have some strips of paper to cover up some of the words as we sing it over and over to make sure they know those words. As we come across any words that might be hard to understand I'll have the Primary help me define them.

March 2014 Music

Sorry I've been MIA lately... I'm pregnant and have been quite busy with life ;)

March 2014 Music
“Jesus Christ Is Our Savior”
Welcome: Here We Are Together (261)
Birthday: Happy, Happy Birthday (284)
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (103)
Article of Faith # 4 (124)
Program Song: I Stand All Amazed (Hymns, 193)
Fun: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60), If You’re Happy (266), Rain Is Falling All Around (241)

Week 1 – “I can gain a testimony of Jesus Christ.”
Reverence: Reverently, Quietly (26)
Opening: I Know My Father Lives (5)
Singing: The Church of Jesus Christ (77), Program Chorus
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2)

Week 2 – “Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ I can repent and be forgiven of my sins.”
Reverence: Reverence Is Love (31)
Opening: I Feel My Savior’s Love (74)
Sharing: Did Jesus Really Live Again? (CS, 64) or Jesus Has Risen (CS, 70)
Singing:  Program (Verse)
Closing: He Sent His Son (34)

Week 3 – “Jesus Christ was resurrected, and I will be too.”
Reverence: I Want to Be Reverent (28)
Opening: On a Golden Springtime (88) –verse two for sure
Singing: Program-dynamics, The Lord Gave Me a Temple (153)-second verse
Closing: I’m Trying to Be like Jesus (78)-especially second verse

Week 4 – “I can show respect for the Savior by being reverent.”
Reverence: Reverence Is Love (31)
Opening: The Chapel Doors (156)
Singing: Program Review
Closing: The Things I Do (170)

Welcome: Here We Are Together (261)
Fun: In the Leafy Treetops (240), Sunbeam (60), If You’re Happy (266), Rain Is Falling (241)
Reverent: I Feel My Savior’s Love (74), Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2) 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 2014 Schedule

Feb. 2014 Music
Welcome: Here We Are Together (261)
Birthday: Your Happy Birthday (283)
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (103)
Article of Faith #3
Program Song: I Will Follow God’s Plan (164)
Fun: The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (281), Once There Was a Snowman (249), Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (275)

2nd/Week 1 – “Heavenly Father has a plan for His children.”
Reverence: Reverently, Quietly (26)
Opening: I Lived in Heaven (4)
Singing: (going from sharing time into singing time) I Will Follow God’s Plan (164) – Introduce it and have classes draw a picture for each phrase to use and then sing using the pictures.
Closing: I Know My Father Lives (5) – both verses

Date/Week 2 - Heavenly Father commanded Jesus Christ to create the earth as a home for His children.
Reverence: Because God Loves Me (234) first verse, I’m Trying to Be like Jesus (78)
Opening: The World Is So Big (235)
Sharing: My Heavenly Father Loves Me (228)
Singing: Program song – review/spiritual
Closing: My Heavenly Father Loves Me (228) or All Things Bright and Beautiful (231)

Date/Week 3 - My body is created in the image of God.
Reverence: Because God Loves Me (234) second verse
Opening: I Have Two Ears (269)
Sharing: The Lord Gave Me a Temple (153)
Singing: Program song - dynamics
Closing: My Heavenly Father Loves Me (228)

Date/Week 4 - Agency is the gift to choose for myself.
Reverence: I Want to be Reverent (28)
Opening: Choose the Right Way (160)
Singing: Program songs review + other known songs (fun game?)
Closing: Nephi’s Courage (120)

Welcome: Hello Song (260)
Fun: Once There Was a Snowman (249), Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60), Do As I’m Doing (276)
Reverent: I’m Trying to Be like Jesus (78), Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

"He Sent His Son" Jan. 2014

This is one of my favorite Primary songs so I am very excited to teach it :)

My schedule:
Week 1- Learn
Week 2- Dynamics
Week 3- Games/review

Here is a link that has a step by step lesson plan that might be helpful from

Week 1 - Learn the song:
I taught this song for fun within the last year or so, so I'm going to use the same clipart I used to teach it back then (it looks like this; although I think I got it from somewhere else originally), but add some scriptures to it. What I did is flip over the corresponding picture so that you couldn't see the art and wrote the scripture reference on the back. This way when we get to that phrase in the song we have to look for the answer in the scriptures and then can flip over the picture and sing the phrase.

The "phrases" flipped over and corresponding scriptures that I chose are:
"He sent his Son, a newborn babe" - John 3:16
"He sent his Son to walk with men on earth, that we may know" - John 13:15
"He sent his Son to die for us" - Luke 24:46
"and rise with living breath" - Mosiah 16:7-8
"Have faith, have hope" - Alma 32:21
"live like his Son, help others on their way" - 3 Ne. 27:21
"What does he ask? Live like his Son." - Moroni 7:48 (to be read at end of song as a testimony)

For Jr. I will probably just read the scriptures and then have them sing the phrase, but for Sr. I will have them look them up and read the scriptures out loud and guess what the next line (or answer) could be about.

Week 2 - Dynamics:
This week we will be reviewing the song by adding dynamics. I may have them practice dynamics by switching between soft/loud and other such dynamics. Then, we will actually apply the dynamics I'd like to have sung at the program presentation. We'll have many months to review this song and these dynamics so I really want to make this song beautiful with that detail.

Week 3: Games/review:
This week I just want to make sure they remember the words of the song by playing games (TBA, maybe groups singing questions vs. answers) to make the review fun. We will only sing through it a couple of times and then will be learning a new song just to build our repertoire. Don't forgot to add the dynamics at least the last time through!

Picture Source

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2014 Primary Music Schedule

January 2014 Music
“Heavenly Father Prepared a Way for Me to Return to His Presence”
Welcome: Hello Song (260)
Birthday: You’ve Had a Birthday (285)
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (103)
Article of Faith #1 & 2 (122)
Program Song: He Sent His Son (34)
Fun: Once There Was a Snowman (249), Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60), Do As I’m Doing (276)

4th/Week 1 - I am a child of God and can be like Him someday.
Reverence: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60)
Opening: Reverently, Quietly (26)
Sharing: I Am a Child of God (2), I Know My Father Lives (5)
Singing: Here We Are Together (261)
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2) or Teach Me to Walk in the Light (177)

11th/Week 2 - Heavenly Father provided a Savior and makes it possible for me to return to His presence.
Reverence: Listen, Listen (107)
Opening: This Is My Beloved Son (76)
Sharing: I Lived in Heaven (4)
Singing: Program Song - Learn
Closing: I Feel My Savior’s Love (74)

18th/Week 3 - Jesus Christ is the perfect example for me to follow.
Reverence: Listen, Listen (Round) (107)
Opening: “Give,” Said the Little Stream (236)
Sharing: I’m Trying to Be like Jesus (78)
Singing: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60), Program Song – Dynamics
Closing: I’m Trying to Be like Jesus (78) or I’ll Walk with You (140)

25th/Week 4 - I can return to Heavenly Father by following Jesus Christ.
Reverence: Our Primary Colors (258)
Opening: My Heavenly Father Loves Me (228)
Singing: Program Song – Games, Learn Help Me, Dear Father (99)
Closing: Families Can Be Together Forever (188)

Welcome: Hello Song (260)
Fun: Once There Was a Snowman (249), Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60), Do As I’m Doing (276)
Reverent: I’m Trying to Be like Jesus (78), Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
Closing: I Am a Child of God (2)