
Friday, April 12, 2013

Prophets - May 2013

In May the theme in primary is about the Prophets and how they teach us to live the restored gospel (find the 2013 Primary Outline HERE). There is no song recommended this month; instead we are to choose our own song from the Children's Songbook. For our ward's primary program (if there is enough time) I think I might ask someone to play this Joseph Smith Medley found HERE. I think it would be very pretty between/to finish off our restoration medley going into a song about the prophets. For the children we will sing We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet (perhaps adding in the congregation). We will also learn and sing Latter-day Prophets and Follow the Prophet (verses 8 & 9, + maybe 2, 3, & 7 as well) just for singing-time.

**Don't forget that if you are performing in sacrament meeting for Father's Day like we are to start on that too! We are doing Daddy's Homecoming with actions and possibly bells (found HERE).

My lesson plan for May:

May 2013 Music
Welcome: We Welcome You (CS 256 - short version)
Birthday: Feliz Cumpleanos (CS         )
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (CS 103)
Article of Faith #6
Mother’s Day song: Mother, I Love You (CS 207)
Program Song: We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet (Hymns 19) – use wordstrips in Outline
Fun: Follow the Prophet (CS 110), Latter-day Prophets (newest version)

5th/Week 1 – Prophets lead under direction of Christ
Reverence: Before I Take the Sacrament (CS 73)
Opening: Stand for the Right (CS 159)
Sharing: Chorus of Follow the Prophet (CS 110)
Singing: review MD song with bells, learn Program song
Closing: Father, I will Reverent Be (CS 29)

12th/Week 2-Mother’s Day – Prophets lead under direction of Christ
Reverence: This Is God’s House (CS 30)
Opening: Keep the Commandments (CS 146)
Sharing: Chorus of Follow the Prophet (CS 110)
Singing: Follow the Prophet (CS 110), Game/craft (mother’s day gift)
Closing: We’ll Bring the World His Truth (CS 172)

19th/Week 3 – Prophets teach to pay tithing
Reverence: I’m Glad to Pay a Tithing (CS 150)
Opening: Reverence Is Love (CS 31)
Sharing: I Want to Give the Lord My Tenth (CS 150)
Singing: Latter-day Prophets (newest version), Program song, learn Daddy’s Homecoming (CS 210)
Closing: We Bow Our Heads (CS 25)

26th/Week 4 – Prophets teach to live the WoW
Reverence: How Will They Know (CS 182) BY TRIO?
Opening: The Things I Do (CS 170)
Singing: Review Program song, The Word of Wisdom (CS 154)
Closing: The Lord Gave Me a Temple (CS 153)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the help! Here's a good medley you might like for Father's Day.


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