
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Restoration - April 2013

The theme for April in primary is about the restoration of the gospel (find the 2013 Primary Outline HERE). There is no song recommended this month; instead we are to choose our own song from the Children's Songbook. Instead of doing a single song for our ward's primary program I am wanting to do a medley on this topic with the songs: The Golden Plates (verse 1), The Sacred GroveOn a Golden Springtime (3rd chorus), and The Priesthood Is Restored (possibly before the previous song). ANYONE WANT TO PUT A MEDLY TOGETHER FOR ME!? ;)

Because of General Conference we will only have three weeks of singing-time dedicated to the restoration topic. So the first two weeks I will have them the songs individually and then the last week we will hopefully be able to put it together in medley format. I'm pretty excited for this and hope it all works out.

Now to figure out visuals and all that ;) <-to be posted later

**Don't forget that if you are performing in sacrament meeting for Mother's Day (like we are) to start working on that as well! We are doing Mother, I Love You with bells that can be found HERE.

Here is my lesson plan for the month:

April 2013 Music
Welcome: Hello Song (CS 260)
Birthday: Have a Very Happy Birthday (CS 284)
Baptism: When I Am Baptized (CS 103)
Article of Faith #5 (CS 125)
Program Song: Restoration Medley
Fun: Book of Mormon Stories (CS 118)

14th/Week 1 – After Christ and Apostles died, gospel truths were lost
Reverence: Book of Mormon Stories (CS 118) VERSES 1,2, & 8 fit well
Opening: All Things Bright and Beautiful (CS 231)
Singing: The Golden Plates (CS 86) – mention how these were part of the truths lost, Mother’s day performance song
Closing: A Prayer Song (CS 22)

21st/Week 2 – Heavenly Father and Christ appeared to Joseph Smith
Reverence: The Prophet Said to Plant a Garden (CS 237)
Opening: An Angel Came to Joseph Smith (CS 86)
Singing: The Sacred Grove (CS 87), On a Golden Springtime (CS 88), review MD song
Closing: Sing Your Way Home (CS 193)

28th/Week 3 – Priesthood was restored by heavenly messengers + Joseph Smith translated Book of Mormon and restored gospel
Reverence: The Golden Plates (CS 86) + The Sacred Grove (CS 87)
Opening: On a Golden Springtime (CS 88)
Singing: The Priesthood Is Restored (CS 89), Restoration Medley
Closing: This Is My Beloved Son (CS 76)

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